If we are honest do we want to count it pure joy ,if we are tested and tried?
If we are honest do we want to count it pure joy if we are tested and tried? None of us really want that but if those tests come, stay strong and do not quit. Sometimes we don’t know why they come, sometimes it may be something God has asked you to do and you have disobeyed and have still not done it, then the trickster now has an open door to come in (so do what has been put on your heart). Whatever the reason, we are all going to go through tests and trials, it’s part of our maturing process. From milk to meat, from being a hearer only to becoming a doer of the word. Whatever the reason, it is no surprise to our Father. Through this you are being molded and shaped and your character is being defined and patience is coming. He knows exactly what you need as you endure and persist through this trial. He is shining you up like that old, unclean, covered in mud ring and will polish you until you shine as bright as the stars (if you let Him) in purity. So, let’s give thanks for if you endure and do not quit, whatever the trial, He will count you faithful and you will be shining bright.
Love you all, have a great Thursday and keep fighting the good fight of faith. M